Let’s face it, most of us would like to save a little money if we could. Why not? So it is tempting to consider buying used tires.
Some would argue that we buy used cars all the time. A used vehicle typically comes with a set of tires and those are “used.”
Let’s talk about the pros and cons of buying used tires. Tell us what you think, in the comments below.
Advantages of Used Tires
- Save Money – This is one of the biggest reasons people look at buying used tires. You can find them at your nearest used tire shop. You may also see them for sale in the same places you see owners advertising used cars or classified advertisements. Perhaps you see a flyer at the local laundromat offering them. But one thing that is sure to catch your eye is the price tag. Most people save between 40% to 70% when they buy used tires. That’s certainly something to make anyone grin from ear to ear!
- They are typically easy to find – It seems when you start to look for used tires, you’re going to find them right away. Why, you probably will have your pick between a couple of sets.
People usually trade in their vehicle’s tires when they upgrade to better tires and/or wheels. Also, some people wind up hanging on to their older sets of tires in their garage. This seems like a great convenience for you, but it is important to be a discerning shopper. - Buying used tires is eco-friendly – If the environment matters to you, then perhaps that is one of the reasons you really want to buy used tires. While it’s a good idea to turn used tires into renewable energy, it’s not such a good idea to throw away tires that still have good use in the road. There are so many things winding up in landfalls that are in perfectly good shape – so why do we have to send that nice set of tires there too?
- Now, a friend might just give them to you – We all know you can count on great friends. So someone terrific might just give you a set of tires. After all, why would a friend steer you wrong? Well, a friend can be well meaning but they may not be 100% knowledgeable about used tires.
Disadvantages of Used Tires
- Don’t know the history of the set of tires – This is a huge challenge to buying used tires. Today, when you consider purchasing a used car, you can easily get a report of the accidents and repairs that car has had. This gives you a lot more confidence writing a check and driving away in your new-to-you used car. But with tires, anything at all could be possible. Most people are genuine and honest. Keep in mind that it is quite easy to forget that 2 years ago you ran over a nail on one tire and had to have it patched up.
- You can’t be sure if these tires are safe – This is something that anyone who is looking at a pair of used tires faces. You just don’t know whether they are safe or not, most of the time. With a car, there are quite a few diagnostic tests your mechanic can run and let you know if that used car is a good buy. But a set of used tires is a bit of a grey area. Even an experienced mechanic cannot pick up everything by looking at or tapping a set of tires.
- Pay attention! You do not know if these tires have been recalled – Now this is a major concern when someone turns to buy used tires. Again, the person selling you the used tires might not even realize they have been recalled too, this may be an honest mistake on their part. But understand when the original owner buys tires, they register them and IF they are recalled, that owner is then notified. When you look at buying used tires, if they get recalled 6 months after you’ve bought them, then you are not going to receive that notification!
- If you’re looking at a tire, you can’t tell how old it is – Know that tires can have internal damage you simply can’t see. This is something that we hope is a real eye opener for you. Tires can have damage that is not visible, it is inside the tire. No one wants to put themselves, their family, their friends, their loved ones or even other people on the road at risk, simply because they chose to save a little money buying used tires.
It would be fantastic if all used tires were a way to cut corners with your vehicle, but not all of them are. If you buy a set of used tires, always buy reputable brands from trusted tire shops. Not only will you be safer, but you’ll also save lots of gas or diesel too!
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